Finding the perfect balance between a fun yet effective fitness plan is not an easy, but a quickly expanding workout trend appears to be doing both with ease. Located in Los Angeles, Heel Hop fitness classes were created by certified fitness instructor and experienced dancer, Kamilah Barrett. Instead of gym shoes, you work out in your favorite pair of 2 1/2 to 3 in. sling-backs. The class is like a sassed up Zumba class, combining a low impact full body workout to not only tone and strengthen your legs and core muscles but build your balance and confidence to ultimately transform you into an expert high heel-wearer. Heel Hop fitness is not the first of its kind. Programs like Stiletto Strength (NYC), Stiletto Fitness(Kansas City), and Vegas Stiletto Fitness (Las Vegas, St. Louis, Denver, and several Texas cities) are steadily cropping up across the country. If you’re like me, you might initially wonder if this could cause any harm or stress to your joints? According to Kamilah, Heel Hop classes are completely safe. However, medical experts say the verdict is still out on whether or not working out in high heels is any worse than just walking in them.

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